Here are some of the references we have found to be especially useful:

Buddha 563 b.c.?-483 b.c.?, Siddharta Gautama, Gautama Buddha, Sakyamuni, and Sakyasinha; Indian philosopher and religious leader; founder of Buddhism

Jesus 30 b.c.? - 0?, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity, based on Judaism, The Holy Bible

Mohammed ? - c. 632 a.d., a.k.a. Mahomet, The Prophet, The Seal of the Prophets; Founder of Islam, The Koran

"Walden" (1854), Henry Thoreau, 1817-1862, Utopian Author

"Walden Two" (1948), "Beyond Freedom and Dignity" (1979), B.F. Skinner 1904-1990, Phd., second foremost Behavioral Psychologist.

Dr Albert Ellis, Phd "Rational Living in an Irrational World", "Anger, How to Live with and without it" (2002-new edition), "Is Objectivism a Religion?" (1968), "How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything" (1988-2002), "Sex without Guilt" (1966), 1913- , creator of Rational Emotive Therapy, first cognitive-emotive therapy treating thinking as a cause of emotions, voted most influential living psychologist, 2nd of all time by APA and Canadian APA.

Ellis based some of his works on "Science and Sanity", Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950);

"Discourses", "Handbook," Epithets (c.55 – c.135) Slave, stoic philosopher

Books written by his student Arian; "Meditations", Marcus Aurelius (121-180), Roman Emperor, Stoic philosopher and writer.

"On Becoming a Person" (1961), Counseling and Psychotherapy (1942), Carl Rodgers 1902-1987, Phd., Psychologist known for "Unconditional Acceptance", "Theory of Moral Sentiments" (1759),

"Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations," "The Wealth of Nations" (1776), Adam Smith 1723-1790

"Death and Life of Great American Cities" (1961), The Economy of Cities (1969), Cities and the Wealth of Nations (1984), and Edge of Empire (1996), Jane Jacobs 1916- , Cities came before agriculture. Cities create the wealth.

"A New View of Society" (1813), Robert Owen 1771-1858, Welsh manufacturer and philanthropist. At his New Lanark cotton mills (Lanarkshire, Scotland), he set up innovative social and industrial welfare programs, including improved housing and schools for young children.

"The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" (1935–36), "A Treatise on Money" (1930), John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946

The Accidental Theorist" (1998), "The Age of Diminished Expectations" (1997), "The Return of Depression Economics" (2000) "An Unequal Exchange", essay, Paul Krugman 1953- , heir to John May nard Keynes as world's foremost economist.

"Nash Equilibrium", "Nash Bargaining Solution", "Nash Program me", John Forbes Nash 1928-, Nobel 1994 for strategic non-cooperative game theory based on best-response functions and Kakutani's fixed point-theorem which proves intelligent cooperation will win out over aggressive competition.

Henry Ford 1863-1947, Industrialist, pioneer automobile manufacturer, developed new mass-production methods, including the first moving assembly line in 1913, Model T 1908. He only required an eight-hour workday (low for the times) and paid his workers far above the average, holding that well-paid laborers become the industrialists' consumers, but strenuously opposed labor unions.

"Dumbing Us Down" (1992 & 2002), John Taylor Gatto, Twice voted New York Teacher of the Year, de bunker of conventional school system who advocates learning through experiencing and interaction with real life situations.

"The Planned City: Coping With Decentralization – an American Perspective" (1998), Robert Cervero, Professor Department of City and Regional Planning", University of California, Berkeley.

"Arcology" (web page), "Arcology: The City in the Image of Man", MIT Press (1969), Paolo Solari, Architect and designer of cities.

"The End of Work, The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era" (1995), Jeremy Rifkin, Author of more that a dozen books on econoic trends and science, President of Foundation on Economic Trends

"Punished by Rewards, The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, "A's, Praise, and other Bribes" (1993), Alfie Kohn, writer and speaker on education, mangement, and parenting.

Utopia On The Internet,

B.F. Skinner's Utopia [Walden Two], Page by Adam Cole, Senior Psychology Major, Wabash College

The National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists